
Pools: Style Without Sacrificing Safety

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Pools: Style Without Sacrificing Safety

Hi, my name is Katrina, and I have always had a pool. My parents had one when I was growing up, I have lived in apartment complexes with pools, and I currently have a pool in my yard. Through the years, I have paid close attention to how people position their pools, the designs they select and the fences they use. Personally, I am not a fan of super industrial looking or boring fences and pool designs. Instead, I like to see creative and beautiful ideas, and achieving a stylish pool is possible. Worried that it will disrupt your safety? Well, it wont. This blog has all kind of tips on achieving pool style without giving up on safety. Enjoy swimming in style!

3 Physical Signs That You Need Your Pool Resurfaced

When you swim in your pool, you should typically feel a smooth surface at the bottom of the pool. When you go in the water and start feeling something different with the liner, then you may need to consider a pool resurfacing. The signs might not appear directly when you look through the pool water, but you may easily notice them with your feet.

The next time you wade through your pool water, check out some of the physical signs you may notice. Each sign could mean you need to replace the liner and resurface the pool.

1. Ripples & Bubbles

If you feel any ripples in the pool liner, then the liner may have become loose or shifted. You may also step on a part of the liner that feels like an air bubble. Over time, those ripples and bubbles can create holes or eventually pull at the liner at the side. A replacement liner will feature a tight fit and not feature those ripples.

2. Sand & Stone

If you feel a lot of grit when you step into the bottom of your pool, you may have a small hole in the liner that debris is going through. Ideally, you want to vacuum the pool and then check if more debris appears. The sand and stone used in the base of the pool installation should not go up through the liner.

Eventually, you will lose excess water from the hole and the pool water could become consistently cloudy. A replacement liner will help block out the debris and ensure you have a smooth pool liner surface without any excess damage.

3. Small Holes

In some cases, you may feel the pool liner damage with your foot. You could feel small holes or rivets in the pool liner. While you may be able to patch small holes, the patch will only last temporarily and could lead to bigger holes. Before you create more damage or issues, you will want to replace the liner.

A hole in the liner could create a pulling sensation and possibly damage the frame of a pool, especially if you own an above-ground pool.

Reach out to a pool contractor if you feel any of these problems with your liner. You are better off getting a replacement sooner rather than later to avoid any escalating problems in the future. Once you have the new liner installed, you can fully enjoy your pool and swim without any limitations or issues.